Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Ways to support us!

Monthly Support 

Or give directly to us:

Cash app $jeremybolton1
Venmo    Jeremy-Bolton-10

We are currently full-time with YWAM Papua New Guinea. We are based out of Madang, PNG. We are leading the YWAM Base here as the base directors with the goal of getting God's Word into every language in PNG by 2033. 

For more info please visit 

Sunday, June 11, 2023


Oral Bible Translation

Nearly all the remaining 299(approx.) Bible-less languages of Papua New Guinea are oral cultures. That means that their heart language is heard rather than read. While a written translation of the Word is essential, OBT aims to first deliver a Bible in audio form. This honors the oral culture, reduces the amount of time to make God's Word available to the people, and produces a format of the Bible that is immediately suited to impact the listener's heart.

Bible Distribution and Engagement

Our goal is to service the groups of people in PNG who have portions of the Word translated into their language, but nothing has been printed or distributed. Working alongside the local church we aim to locate these groups and assess their literature needs; gauging whether it be in text or audio, whether the need is for Bibles or engagement resources/tools; our goal is to assist discipleship efforts put in place by the local church so that when our teams leave there is a continued focus on walking together in the Spirit.


End Bible Poverty Now and YWAM Kona Ships, has identified a list of 33 Bible-less languages in Madang, Papua New Guinea. The objective is for EBPN to establish a connection with native tongue speakers through Caleb surveys, DTS teams, Medical outreaches and begin OBT (Oral Bible Translation). The YWAM Leadership in Madang will then oversee the initial stages of translation. Through creating contacts inside local people groups, distribution and the showing of the Jesus Film can be done simultaneously alongside OBT. Using the local connections, YWAM can help to establish local Bible listening groups, Bible studies, and various forms of discipleship among the churches and local communities.

(EBPN = Coordination; YWAM PNG = OBT/Distribution)


We have a goal to start engagement in the 33 bibles less languages in Madang over the period of two years. Our goal is to progressively supply the local church and local YWAM bases with necessary resources in increased amount every six months over the period of 10 years. The goal is that each language will establish a listening group, Bible study, or other scripture engagement method in the local church or community with consistent participants. In addition, each group will give continuous and effective feedback detailing the outcomes and fruit within the participants' lives. We desire that the local PNG participates would be changed by their engagement with the Word of God and that both EBPN and partners would receive vital feedback and testimony for growth and improvement.


The leaders at YWAM Madang PNG, YWAM Kona Ships and YWAM Kona’s University of the Nations will take on the local oversight of this project. Their role will be to establish contacts with the 33 Bible-less languages through the ships schedule of arriving physically at these languages, also gathering  contacts from the local churches/universities and other YWAM bases across PNG. YWAM Madang offers training for OBT facilitators who is then go and begin the process of translating the taste and see bible overview. We will then distribute Bibles to each language location based on their level of capacity, ability, and appropriate need.

Local Church

All OBT, Bible distribution, and Bible engagement must be in conjunction with the local church leadership. Leaning on the existing relationships between local churches and parishioners, we can locate native speakers faster and begin OBT in their Bible-less languages. By establishing these connections, local church leaders can spearhead distribution efforts to surrounding communities enabling them to make contacts for future engagement and discipleship opportunities. By training local pastors and church leaders in the Share Bibles App, we can keep a detailed record of each community and the number of Bibles distributed and received. Our goal is to help the local people be the face of ministry where long-term discipleship can happen as local churches walk alongside their brothers and sisters. 

Future Vision

We hope that this project will act as a template and trial for more projects in PNG and other nations. We desire that any partnership between EBPN and other ministries would flourish into a fruitful and impactful relationship for the kingdom of God. We do not want to stop until every ear has heard the wonderful, good news of our LORD Jesus Christ!

Our proposal for funding is based on a Bible-less language basis, language to language. The need to establish contact with these language groups and establish relationship with Bible-less language people and local church leaders is the first step. Transportation, accommodation and the OBT Center will be some the first needs to take these initial steps. As contacts are established will we want continue OBT in the Center, in the recording containers and in the Villages. Within OBT we will need to have funds for proper recording studios, cover the cost of local translators with a living expenses, food, accommodation, Transportation and communication. Then we plan to distribute Bibles to local church in village to build relationship and for further contact for the hopes of engagement. 

Raising Funds For 

Vehicles/Transportation – The geographic landscape of PNG is extremely diverse, raw, and intense. With high mountain ranges stretching across the country and severely lacking infrastructure from city to city, travel becomes extremely slow and challenging. Most areas of PNG are only reachable by 4X4 off-road vehicles or even through small planes. Reaching these areas to establish contacts with Bible-less language groups and future Bible distribution projects requires that we be well equipped to safely travel from village to village, city to city. To best steward the vehicles, we need to properly maintain them on a regular basis. Their intended use will be harsh on the actual vehicles themselves, given the nature of PNG terrain. We see the cost of regular maintenance as a wise investment into the longevity of any vehicles purchased.

Recording studios – With most Bible-less languages remaining, the number of people that speak these languages is not the majority population. This is good as we are making strides to have more people with God's Word in their heart language. With the remaining Bible-less languages, the overwhelming majority is oral without any written text. Therefore, Oral Bible Translation will see these Bible-less languages disappear at a more rapid pace. A key component to OBT is the recording process and studio. Most language groups of PNG with scripture are in rural, hard-to-reach areas of the country. Having a semi-portable studio equips the team to carry out these recordings with greater speed, efficiency, and professional quality.

Research – The actual number of Bible-less language groups inside PNG is still not agreed upon globally. The number can vary over 30 languages, plus or minus. Having detailed research inside the country on the exact number of people groups without any portion of scripture will significantly ensure that we are not unintentionally working on something that someone else has potentially started. Secondly, the proper research can help us identify the least serviced areas where the Bible or portions have been translated but have yet to have adequate distribution done amongst their communities.

SD Cards - With the nature of OBT there is no written text to attach to the languages. SD cards and other listening devices become how people engage with the Word of God. As we see more languages taken off the Bible-less list, there will be an increased need for any means to engage with the translated scripture. In the past, we have found SD cards are a very effective tools given the portability, peoples access to phones and the amount of extra data that can be downloaded onto the card such as worship music, Jesus films, and other extra Biblical material to help individuals grow in their relationship with Jesus.

Physical full Bibles – The educational format of PNG is conducted in English; because of this, most people have at least someone in their family or close community who can read and understand English. Although it is not their mother tongue, there is a level of understanding that local people can maximize their intimacy and quiet time with God when they have access to physical Bibles coupled with an audio recording of their mother tongue. Also, given the Bible's length and the reality of time it takes to translate its entire contents into a new language, distributing whole English OT/NT Bibles is an amazing way to give people the living Word of God.

SD/Duplication machine and locking device – To distribute SD cards, they need to be duplicated, and the most cost-effective way is to do it ourselves. Once a card is duplicated, we recognize that many people might want to potentially erase its contents and sell or use it for themselves. By using a locking device, it ensures that the downloaded contents cannot be changed. 

Targeted Bible-less Languages 

Prioritized Bibleless languages by YWAM and Global Partnerships and other collaborative partners 

  1. Bonkiman
  2. Ronji
  3. Mala
  4. You Wam
  5. Yago
  6. Degenan
  7. Forak
  8. Mur Pano
  9. Guya
  10. Wab
  11. Lemio
  12. Gamane
  13. Ganglau
  14. Dubuporo
  15. Pulabu
  16. Waube
  17. Garus
  18. Mosimo
  19. Rapting
  20. Yoidik
  21. Gavak
  22. Malas
  23. Brem
  24. Musar
  25. Kowaki
  26. Moere
  27. Korak
  28. Bepour
  29. Medebur
  30. Lilau
  31. Sepa
  32. Monumbo
  33. Awar

Friday, May 8, 2020

Ways to support us!

Our Personal Monthly Support 
Tax Deductable: One time or Monthly support CLICK HERE.

Cash app $jeremybolton1
Venmo    Jeremy-Bolton-10

Friday, December 22, 2017


As we step into our fourth year in full-time missions, we reflect on God’s goodness 
and provision. He has been faithful in every part of our lives and we have this unwavering 
truth to hold on to. Our journey on the mission field has been challenging at times, 
but also very rewarding. It was difficult to leave our family and friends back home, 
to travel with a young child to developing countries, and trust God with our future and finances.
 But along the way, the friendships we have made are like family to us, 
we have experienced God’s protection over Hunter as we traveled and learned to surrender
 control. These moments will always be significant and valuable to us. We feel honored and 
delighted to be serving God on the mission field.

Thank you for your prayers and financial support. We would not be able to do this without you; 
we are truly blessed to have a team of believers who hold us up. 
The call to missions has stirred in our hearts since our youth and we desire to continue on 
this path, taking one step at a time.


We are currently overseeing the October quarter here at YWAM Queenstown
 with three training courses; The Classic DTS (Discipleship Training School),
 The Extreme DTS and the DBS (Discipleship Bible School). 
The speakers on the school come from different parts of the world to help train
 and equip our young missionaries. After the in-class training is complete, the students travel on a
 two-month outreach to PNG, the South Pacific or Asia. Jeremy has had multiple speaking 
opportunities, teaching on the life of Paul five times in four different countries: China, Samoa,
 the Solomon Islands and New Zealand.


We are excited to announce that YWAM Queenstown will be pioneering the Discipleship Bible School
 in Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea. The school runs from July-October 2018. Our family will
 move to PNG in May to prepare for and lead the school. We will plant a garden and renovate the 
YWAM property to host 20-40 students. We’re excited to see the YWAM staff and students of
 PNG learn the tools to understand God’s Word.

Prayer and Goals 
We are in need of a vehicle. The YWAM base is located miles away from town on top of a hill currently 
with no vehicle. It is only made accessible by a 4X4 vehicle. We are currently fundraising to purchase 
a used Toyota Land Cruiser. The cost is between $15,000 and $30,000 USD. Please pray for provision for 
this vehicle as it is essential to purchase food, drive into town and pick people up at the airport. We also
 plan to help renovate the YWAM property. We have estimated the cost of materials to be about $3000 to
 renovate their bathrooms and repair part of the dry-rot on the building. 

Click here to support us directly!
Click here for tax deductible support!
Or mail checks to: Jeremy Bolton  474 Aloma Way, Arroyo Grande, CA 93420
Lindsey is embracing her role as a mom of two, learning how to parent a three –year- old, and discipling the girl staff here in Queenstown. 

Jeremy loves his role as a dad and his position with the leadership team at YWAM Queenstown.
Hunter is 3 1/2 years old and full of energy! He enjoys riding bikes with dad, singing and playing with his buddies at the preschool he attends. 

Titus is now 1 year old! He is full of determination and ready to take his first steps. He has a sweet disposition and wants to be wherever his big brother is. 

Teaching in New Zealand 

Teaching on the Apostle Paul in the Solomon Islands 

Teaching on the Discipleship Bible School in Samoa

Well drilling in the Solomon Islands 

Students from the Samoa DBS tracing Paul's missionary journeys

Roads in PNG

Monday, October 9, 2017