Wednesday, March 18, 2015

To Asia and Taiwan

Through praying as a couple, we both felt we were to lead the team into Asia and Taiwan. We will start our outreach by going to the North island of New Zealand for the first 3 weeks to work with a pastor doing local outreach, then we will be heading to Taiwan for a couple weeks the spending 25 days traveling through Asia (from end of April to end of June). We have been praying God would give us His heart for the people as we learn about the language, religion, food, safety and history. We are personally leading a team of 9 (Yes we are bringing Hunter). Our contacts will be preparing ministries for us such as, helping in orphanages and possibly helping prostitutes and trafficked victims. Our heart is not only to help the people in but also equip our students with experience on the mission field where we hope to see them develop a call to missions and life long ministry whether at home or in the developing nations. 

As staff we need to raise some funds to lead this team. At the moment the three of us are in need of $4800 USD. If you would like to help sponsor us, please click the link to give through PayPal
Or if you would like a Tax deductible receipt, please make a Check out to YWAM and send it to our account in Texas.
YWAM Tyler Accounting
P.O. Box 3000
Garden Valley, TX 75771
(Please do not put our name on the check but attach a separate note with our name on it)